Angelica arguta – White Angelica Robust plant, 25-200 cm tall, often ill-smelling. Flowers white, in flat-topped clusters, without involucral bracts. Leaves twice pinnately compound with broad leaflets. Moist areas. Edible.
Conium maculatum – Poison Hemlock Stems tall, branched, purple-spotted. Flowers white, tiny, in numerous, flat-topped umbels. Leaves divided 3-4 times into fine segments. Moist, disturbed sites. Very poisonous.
Cymopterus nivalis – Snowline Spring-parsley Hairless plant, 5-15 cm tall. Flowers grayish-white, tiny, in small umbels about 1 cm wide. Leaves basal, bluish, once divided into slender, small lobes. Open, often rocky places.
Heracleum maximum – Cow-parsnip Coarse, hairy, 100-250 cm tall, strong-smelling. Flowers white, with deeply lobed petals. Umbels 10-30 cm wide. Leaves 10-30 cm wide, with 3 large, lobed leaflets. Moist areas. Edible plant.
Osmorhiza depauperata – Blunt-fruited Sweet-root 30-100 cm tall, branched and leafy near tips. Flowers whitish, in narrow umbels. Fruits mostly club-shaped. Leaves twice divided in 3's, the leaflets thin, broad. Woodlands. Edible.
Perideridia gairdneri – Gairdner's Yampah Slender, 40-120 cm tall. Flowers white, in 1-several long-stalked umbels, 2.5-7 cm wide. Leaves divided into few long segments. Woodlands and dry or wet meadows. Edible and medicinal.
Apocynum androsaemifolium – Dogbane Plant with milky sap, 20-70 cm tall. Flowers pink or white with pink veins, 4-12 mm long, in open clusters. Leaves opposite, spreading to hanging, egg-shaped to oblong, sharp-pointed. Dry areas, plains-subalpine.
Achillea millefolium – Yarrow Aromatic perennial, 10-80 cm tall. Common on plains, slopes, disturbed ground.
Flowerheads white, with 3-5 rays 3-6 mm long, numerous in flat-topped clusters.
Leaves alternate, fern-like, 2-3 times pinnately divided into fine segments.
Anaphalis margaritacea – Pearly Everlasting Leafy perennial, 20-60 cm tall. Forest openings, foothills-subalpine.
Flowerheads white, 7-10 mm wide, with papery bracts, in dense clusters.
Leaves alternate, lance-shaped to linear, entire, the edges often rolled under.
Antennaria rosea – Rosy Pussytoes Mat-forming, slender plant, 5-40 cm tall. Dry, open areas, plains to montane.
Flowerheads pink or white, 4-7 mm long, 5-10 growing in flat-topped clusters.
Leaves gray-hairy, alternate, few on stem. Basal leaves spoon-shaped.
Aster ericoides – Heath Aster Perennial 30-100 cm tall, often clustered. Open, wet or dry places in the valleys.
Flowerheads densely clustered on branches, with 15-25 white rays 3-8 mm long.
Leaves numerous, firm, linear, spine-tipped, 4-7 cm long and 4-5 mm wide.
Leucanthemum vulgare – Oxeye Daisy Perennial 20-80 cm tall, stems single, often in colonies. Fields and roadsides.
Flowerheads white, about 5 cm wide, solitary, with 15-30 rays 1-2 cm long.
Leaves alternate, spoon-shaped, mostly hairless, narrowly lobed toothed.
Buglossoides arvensis – Corn Gromwell Stems 10-70 cm tall, short-stiff-hairy. Flowers white, 5-8 mm long, 2-4 mm wide, without "eye", from upper leaf axils. Leaves alternate, numerous, narrow, 1.5-6 cm long. Fields, roadsides, disturbed sites.
Lappula occidentalis – Western Stickseed Stems simple or branched, 5-40 cm tall, short-stiff-hairy. Flowers white, 2-4 mm long and 1.5-2.5 mm wide, with yellow eye. Leaves numerous, up to about 6 cm long and 1 cm wide, stiff-hairy. Mostly dry areas.
Arabis holboellii – Holboell's Rockcress 10-100 cm tall, with star-shaped hairs at least below. Flowers white-purple, bent down. Sepals hairy, 2.5-5 mm long. Leaves 1-5 cm long, 2-7 mm broad, w. short, star-shaped hairs. Slopes.
Capsella bursa-pastoris – Shepherd's Purse Slender annual, flowers white, about 4 mm wide. Basal leaves pinnate, stem leaves small, narrow. Fruit pods triangular, flattened, 4-8 mm long.
Cardamine breweri – Brewer's Bittercress Perennial, 20-60 cm tall, mostly hairless. Flowers white, c. 1 cm wide, sepals about 2 mm long, hairless. Leaves broad-ovate, the upper with small, unequal side lobes. Wet places.
Cardaria chalapensis – Lens-pod Whitetop Perennial, flowers small, in wide, dense clusters. Leaves alternate, oblanceolate, sharp-toothed. Fruit pods almost round, hairless, not cordate at base.
Thlaspi arvense – Field Pennycress Erect, 10-50 cm tall, hairless, branched. Flowers white, 4-5 mm wide, clustered. Sepals c. 2 mm long. Leaves alternate, 2-6 cm long, toothed. Pods flat, rounded. Disturbed ground.
Linnaea borealis – Twinflower Evergreen plant, 3-10 cm tall. Shaded and mossy sites, foothills-subalpine.
Flowers pink to nearly white, 6-15 mm long, nodding, in pairs on slender stalks.
Leaves opposite, evergreen, broadly egg-shaped, 1-2 cm long.
Lonicera utahensis – Utah Honeysuckle Shrub 1-2 m tall. Moist, wooded or open slopes in the mountains.
Flowers nodding, light yellow, funnel-shaped, 1-2 cm long, in pairs. Berries red.
Leaves opposite, broadly elliptic to oval, 2-8 cm long, broadly rounded.
Sambucus cerulea – Blue Elderberry Shrub 2-4 m tall, strong-smelling. Streams, rocky slopes, foothills-montane.
Flowers white, 3-6 mm wide, numerous in dense, flat-topped clusters, smelly.
Leaves opposite, pinnately divided into 7-9 leaflets, lance-shaped, sharp-toothed.
Symphoricarpos occidentalis – Western Snowberry Shrub 50-100 cm tall. Well-drained, open or wooded sites, plains to montane.
Flowers whitish, broadly funnel-shaped, 7-10 mm wide, lobes longer than corolla.
Leaves opposite, broadly elliptic to oval, 3-8 cm long, slightly wavy-edged.
Arenaria serpyllifolia – Thyme-leaved Sandwort Low-growing, branching, delicate herb, growing on dry or sandy ground.
Flowers small, white. Sepals are pointed, 3-4 mm long, longer than petals.
Leaves short, lance- to egg-shaped, stalkless, without hairs on edges.
Cerastium fontanum – Common Chickweed Loosely tufted herb with long hairs. New, leafy shoots growing from bases.
Flowers small, white, with petals only slightly longer than the sepals.
Leaves egg-shaped, hairy, with blunt tips.
Minuartia nuttallii – Nuttall's Sandwort Matted plant, 3-10 cm tall, glandular-hairy. Open sagebrush hills-alpine slopes.
Flowers white, 10-15 mm wide, on spreading stalks. Petals broad-lanceolate.
Leaves 5-10 mm long, linear- to awl- or narrowly needle-shaped, 3-nerved.
Silene latifolia – White Campion Hairy plant, 30-110 cm tall with male or female flowers on separate plants.
Flowers are white, large, with deeply divided, curled petals.
Leaves opposite, lance-shaped, hairy, up to 10 cm long and 2 cm broad.
Stellaria longipes – Long-stalked Starwort Small, hairless herb, slender, growing in small tufts at higher elevations.
Flowers white, about 1 cm wide, petals longer than sepals, on long stalks.
Leaves are bluish-gray, stiff, stalkless, lance-shaped to linear, pointed.
Stellaria media – Common Starwort Trailing, matted plant, common garden weed, widespread on disturbed sites.
Flowers small, white, several clustered on stem tops, sepals hairy.
Leaves juicy green, broadly egg-shaped, short-stalked.
Convolvulus arvensis – Field Bindweed Trailing or climbing herb, 0.2-2 m long. Introduced, weed on disturbed ground.
Flowers white to pink, broadly funnel-shaped, about 2 cm wide.
Leaves alternate, arrowhead-shaped, with basal lobes, long-stalked.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi – Bearberry Evergreen, trailing shrub, 5-15 cm tall. Well-drained, mostly wooded areas.
Flowers pink, about 5 mm long, in clusters, the corolla urn-shaped, 5-lobed.
Leaves alternate, spoon-shaped, 1.5-3 cm long, dark green and glossy above.
Cassiope mertensiana – White Mountain-heather Dwarf, evergreen shrub, 5-30 cm tall. Moist sites, montane to alpine.
Flowers white, bell-shaped, 5-8 mm long, nodding, on 5-30 mm long stalks.
Leaves scale-like, thick, 2-5 mm long, in 4 vertical rows obscuring stem.
Ledum glandulosum – Trapper's Tea Evergreen, leafy shrub, 40-80 cm tall. Moist to wet sites, montane to subalpine.
Flowers white, 10-15 mm wide, many in dense, rounded clusters. Stamens long.
Leaves 1.5-4 cm long, elliptic-oblong, mealy below, with edges rolled under.
Moneses uniflora – One-flowered Wintergreen Evergreen herb, 3-15 cm tall. Moist woods, montane to subalpine zone.
Flowers white, single and terminal, nodding, fragrant, 1.5-2.5 cm broad.
Leaves basal, the blades almost round, 1-2.5 cm long, tapering to the stalks.
Astragalus drummondii – Drummond's Milkvetch Stems 40-70 cm tall, grayish-long-stiff-hairy. Dry hillsides, plains and foothills.
Flowers pale whitish, 18-25 mm long, drooping. Calyx finely black-hairy.
Leaves with 13-31 leaflets, long-spreading-hairy on the lower surface.
Astragalus gilviflorus – Plains Milkvetch Plant tufted, stems 1-3 cm long. Dry, gravelly sites on the plains.
Flowers 20-30 mm long, ochroleucous. Keel purple-tipped, very short.
Leaves basal, 2-6 cm long, long-stalked, with 3 elliptic leaflets 1-3 cm long.
Glycyrrhiza lepidota – Wild Licorice Aromatic, glandular, sticky plant, 30-120 cm tall. Disturbed and low ground.
Flowers yellowish-white, 10-15 mm long, in several dense, stalked clusters.
Leaves odd-pinnate, with 11-19 pointed leaflets, glandular-dotted.
Hedysarum sulphurescens – Yellow Sweet-vetch Plant has leafy stems, 30-60 cm tall. Open forested areas.
Flowers yellowish to whitish, 14-18 mm long, hanging, in often 1-sided clusters.
Leaves with 9-21 broad leaflets, pointed at tips, prominently veined.
Medicago sativa – Alfalfa Plant 30-100 cm tall. Introduced, mostly on disturbed ground, used for forage.
Flowers blue to whitish-yellow, 7-11 mm long, in rounded, stalked clusters.
Leaves are divided into 3 leaflets which are sharply toothed on upper halves.
Melilotus albus – White Sweet-clover Annual or biennial, 50-300 cm tall, freely branched. Mostly disturbed ground.
Flowers 4-6 mm long, white, sweet-smelling, in slender, spike-like clusters.
Leaves with 3 leaflets, elliptic to oblong, sharply toothed, the middle one stalked.
Oxytropis sericea – Silky Locoweed Flower stems 10-30 cm tall, flat-silvery-hairy. Prairieland to drier meadows.
Flowers white to yellowish, 15-27 mm long. Keel often purplish-tipped.
Leaves basal, 5-30 cm long, the 11-17 leaflets with dense, flat, silky hairs.
Trifolium repens – White Clover Mat-forming, stems short, rooting at nodes. Disturbed ground, meadows, lawns.
Flowers 5-9 mm long, in round heads 15-20 mm broad. Calyx hairless.
Leaves with short to long stalks, the 3 leaflets 1-2 cm long, finely toothed.
Gentiana algida – Arctic Gentian Tufted perennial, 5-20 cm tall. Moist but well-drained sites in the alpine zone.
Flowers white with purple edges, tubular, with 5 lobes, about 4-5 cm long.
Basal leaves lance-shaped, 4-12 cm long. Stem leaves opposite, 3-5 cm long.
Ribes hudsonianum – Northern Black Currant Shrub 0.5-1 m tall, without spines. Stream banks, moist woods, thickets.
Flowers white, about 1 cm broad, many in long, narrow clusters.
Leaves with 3-5 pointed, toothed lobes, hairy. Berries black, 7-12 mm long.
Marrubium vulgare – Horehound Plant 30-100 cm tall. Casual weed along roadsides and disturbed habitats.
Flowers whitish, about 6 mm long, in dense, round clusters from upper leaf axils.
Leaves opposite, thick, rounded, toothed and coarsely wrinkled, 20-55 mm long.
Mentha arvensis – Wild Mint Aromatic, glandular-dotted plant, 20-80 cm tall. Moist to wet sites.
Flowers pinkish, 4-7 mm long, 4-lobed, in dense clusters from upper leaf axils.
Leaves opposite, 2-8 cm long, lance-shaped, sharp-toothed, mostly stalkless.
Nepeta cataria – Catnip Stems branched, 30-100 cm tall, short-gray-hairy. Meadows, roadsides.
Flowers white with small purple dots, 10-15 mm long, in dense, tall clusters.
Leaves opposite, coarsely toothed, stalked, heart-shaped, 2.5-7 cm long.
Allium cernuum – Nodding Onion Stem slender, 10-50 cm tall, onion-smelling. Meadows, plains to montane.
Flowers white to pink, bell-shaped, 6-7 mm wide, in nodding top clusters.
Leaves basal, grass-like, 3-7 mm wide, flat or keeled. Edible plant.
Calochortus gunnisonii – Gunnison's Mariposa-lily Stem 10-30 cm tall, simple. Grasslands and open coniferous forests.
Flowers white, 1 to few, 4-7 cm wide, with 3 broad petals, greenish within.
Leaves: few, small, grass-like, alternate. Medicinal plant, all parts edible.
Leucocrinum montanum – Star Lily Stemless, about 5-10 cm tall. Sandy to rocky areas, plains to montane.
Flowers white, fragrant, about 3 cm broad, long-stalked, from base of the plant.
Leaves: basal, tufted, grass-like, up to 20 cm long. Roots reportedly edible.
Lloydia serotina – Alp Lily Stem 5-15 cm tall, almost naked. Cliffs and rock crevices in the alpine zone.
Flowers mostly solitary, white, about 2 cm broad, with colored veins.
Leaves basal and alternate, small, short, grass-like.
Maianthemum stellatum – Starry False Solomon's Seal Stem 20-60 cm tall, leafy, arched. Moist woods to dry, exposed hills.
Flowers white, 10-15 mm wide, with 6 spreading tepals, in a loose top cluster.
Leaves: alternate, broad, pointed, stalkless, in 2 rows.
Streptopus amplexifolius – Clasping-leaved Twisted-stalk Stems 50-100 cm tall, leafy, freely branched. Moist forests, mountain thickets.
Flowers greenish-white, 1 cm wide, twisted-stalked, with curved back tepals.
Leaves: alternate, broad, sharp-pointed, clasping stem.
Xerophyllum tenax – Beargrass Robust plant, 50-150 cm tall, in colonies. Open woods, montane to subalpine.
Flowers white, fragrant, long-stalked, numerous in a dense top cluster..
Leaves: mainly basal, in large clumps, grass-like, sharp-edged.
Zigadenus elegans – Mountain Death-camas Stem 15-70 cm tall, waxy-coated. Moist forests, meadows, montane-alpine.
Flowers white, about 2 cm wide, with inner green, heart-shaped markings.
Leaves mainly basal, grass-like, keeled. All parts highly poisonous.
Zigadenus venenosus – Meadow Death-camas Stem 20-50 cm tall. Moist forests, meadows, montane-alpine.
Flowers greenish-white, about 1.5 cm wide, with inner green, oval markings.
Leaves mainly basal, grass-like, keeled. All parts highly poisonous.
Mentzelia decapetala – Ten-petal Eveningstar Perennial, 30-100 cm tall, rough with barbed, spine-like hairs. Dry, open slopes.
Flowers yellow-white, 8-12 cm across, with 10 petals, open in the evening.
Leaves alternate, fleshy, lanceolate, 4-15 cm long, pinnatifid with wavy lobes.
Malva neglecta – common Mallow Spreading annual, 20-60 cm tall, short-hairy. Fields, gardens, disturbed areas.
Flowers white-pink, about 2 cm wide, 1-3 from leaf axils, with 5 notched petals.
Leaves alternate, long-stalked, round to heart-shaped, round-toothed.
Epilobium ciliatum – Purple-leaved Willowherb Perennial, 30-100 cm tall, branched and hairy above. Moist sites.
Flowers rose-purple to white, 5-15 mm wide, erect, with 4 notched petals.
Leaves basal and opposite, lance-shaped, 3-7 cm long, shallowly toothed.
Oenothera cespitosa – Tufted Evening Primrose Tufted, almost stemless perennial rarely up to 25 cm tall. Dry, bare hills.
Flowers white to pink, 5-9 cm wide, single from the base, open in the evening.
Leaves basal, oblanceolate, entire or toothed, 10-25 cm long, 1-2.5 cm broad.
Coeloglossum viride – Bracted Orchid Sturdy, leafy-stemmed perennial, 20-50 cm tall, hairless. Woods and slopes.
Flowers greenish with 3-lobed lower lip, many in a dense, elongated spike.
Leaves alternate, sheathing, oblong-lanceolate, 5-10 cm long.
Platanthera dilatata – White Bog Orchid Flowers are very fragrant, mostly white, with an upper hood, 2 wings and a lower
lip which is expanded at its base, and a slender, curved spur.
Flowers are growing in long, spike-like clusters.
Spiranthes romanzoffiana – Hooded Ladies' Tresses Stems hairless, 10-40 cm tall. Moist to swampy areas, foothills to montane.
Flowers whitish, sweet-scented, many in spiralling rows in a dense spike.
Leaves alternate, near the base of the stem, narrowly oblong, 8-20 cm long.
Collomia debilis – Alpine Mountain-trumpet Perennial, 10-20 cm tall, with many creeping stems. Rocky mountain slopes.
Flowers pinkish to white, 2-3 cm long, trumpet-shaped with long tube.
Leaves crowded toward the top of the stem, up to 3 cm long and 13 mm wide.
Ipomopsis spicata – Spiked Gilia Perennial, 5-30 cm tall, thinly cobwebby-woolly-hairy. Dry, open places.
Flowers white, about 1 cm long, numerous in a dense, rounded top cluster.
Leaves 3-parted or pinnatifid, 1-6 cm long, with very narrow segments.
Phlox albomarginata – White-edged Phlox Cushioned perennial, up to 5 cm tall, glandular. Rocky places, high mountains.
Flowers white, 15-20 mm wide, solitary on stem tips. Style 5-8 mm long.
Leaves broadly lanceolate, 2-7 mm long and 1-2.5 mm wide, thick-edged.
Phlox longifolia – Long-leaved Phlox Perennial, 10-40 cm tall, often woody at the base. Dry, open rocky places.
Flowers white, 2-3 cm wide, in clusters. The style is 6-15 mm long.
Leaves linear, mostly 1.5-8 cm long and 1-3 mm wide.
Phlox multiflora – Rocky Mountain Phlox Mat-forming perennial, loosely almost erect, up to 10 cm tall. Mountains.
Flowers white, about 2 cm wide, few on stem tips. The style is 5.5-8 mm long.
Leaves slightly rough-surfaced, linear, 12-30 mm long and 1-2 mm wide.
Claytonia lanceolata – Western Springbeauty Delicate, fleshy herb, 5-20 cm tall. Moist, open sites, foothills to alpine.
Flowers white to pinkish, 10-15 mm wide, with 5 petals and 2 sepals.
Leaves basal and opposite, 1 pair on stem, egg- to lance-shaped, stalkless.
Androsace septentrionalis – Northern Rock Jasmine Stems many, leafless, 3-25 cm tall. Dry, open sites, plains to alpine zone.
Flowers white, 3-4 mm wide, many on stalks 1-5 cm long in umbel-clusters.
Leaves basal, 1-3 cm long, oblanceolate, gradually narrowed to the base.
Actaea rubra – Baneberry Branched plant, leafy, growing several red, glossy berries in the fall.
Flowers small, white, with slender petals, in dense, rounded clusters.
Leaves alternate, few, 2-3 times divided in 3's. Segments toothed and lobed.
Anemone parviflora – Northern Anemone Alpine plant, 5-20 cm tall, sparsely hairy. Moist, open or shaded sites.
Flowers solitary, 2-3 cm wide. Sepals 5, white, rounded.
Leaves 2-3 cm wide, glossy, divided into 3 wedge-shaped, lobed leaflets.
Caltha leptosepala – Mountain Marsh Marigold Low, alpine plant with fleshy, leafless stems, 5-10 cm tall. Wet, open sites.
Flowers white, solitary, 2-4 cm wide with 5-15 petal-looking sepals.
Leaves basal, oblong to heart-shaped, thick, waxy, long-stalked, wavy edges.
Clematis ligusticifolia – Western White Clematis Woody vine, stems 3-6 m high, often in dense, tangled mats. Dry areas.
Flowers white-cream-colored, 2 cm wide, with 4 sepals and many flat stamens.
Leaves opposite, pinnately divided into 5-7 stalked, lance-shaped leaflets.
Trollius laxus – Globe Flower Hairless herb, 10-40 cm tall. Moist to wet, open sites, montane-alpine.
Flowers white-creamy, 2-4 cm wide, solitary, with 5-9 petal-looking sepals.
Leaves palmately divided into 5 toothed segments, membranous lobes at base.
Amelanchier alnifolia – Saskatoon Serviceberry Shrub 1-5 m. tall with round, purple-black fruits, 10-14 mm long. Open woods.
Flowers white, 2-3 cm wide, with 5 oblong petals and usually 5 styles.
Leaves alternate, oval to nearly round, 2-4 cm long, sharply small-toothed.
Fragaria virginiana – Wild Strawberry Low plant with creeping stems. Wooded, gravelly areas, plains-montane.
Flowers white, regular. Petals 5, white, round, 6-13 mm long.
Leaves divided into 3 toothed leaflets, middle end tooth smaller.
Physocarpus malvaceus – Mallow Ninebark Shrub 50-100 cm tall. Fruits are follicles, in pairs, reddish, about 5 mm long.
Flowers in dense, round clusters, white, about 10 mm wide, with 5 round petals.
Leaves alternate, 2-6 cm long, ovate to heart-shaped, with 3-5 toothed lobes.
Potentilla recta – Sulphur Cinquefoil Plant 30-80 cm tall, very leafy, branched on upper parts. Weed.
Flowers pale yellow. Petals heart-shaped, 9-12 mm long.
Leaves several on stems, divided into 5-7 leaflets, saw-toothed.
Prunus virginiana – Choke Cherry Shrub or small tree 1-4 m tall. Fruits are cherries, red to purple or black.
Flowers white, 10-12 mm wide, in dense, elongated clusters. Petals 5, round.
Leaves alternate, elliptic, finely sharp-toothed, 4-10 cm long, pointed at tips.
Rubus idaeus – Wild Red Raspberry Stems prickly, widely branching, 100-150 cm tall. Rocky areas, montane zone.
Flowers small, white. Petals 5, oblong, 4-6 mm long. Sepals longer than petals.
Leaves divided into 3-5 leaflets, double-toothed, white-hairy beneath.
Rubus parviflorus – Thimbleberry Shrub 50-200 cm tall. Open to wooded, moist to dry areas up to subalpine zone.
Flowers white, few in open clusters. Petals 5, broadly oval, 15-20 mm long.
Leaves large, 10-20 cm wide, with heart-shaped bases, palmately lobed.
Spiraea betulifolia – White Spiraea Spreading shrub, about 25-60 cm tall. Moist to dry mountain slopes.
Flowers white, many in clusters 3-8 cm broad. The 5 petals 2 mm long.
Leaves alternate, oval, about 2-7 cm long, coarsely sharp-toothed.
Galium boreale – Northern Bedstraw Stems slender, 20-60 cm tall, leafy. In many drier habitats, foothills-subalpine.
Flowers white, 4-7 mm wide, with 4 petals, many in repeatedly 3-forked clusters.
Leaves in whorls of 4, linear to lance-shaped, 2-6 cm long, 3-nerved, stalkless.
Comandra umbellata – Pale Comandra Parasitic herb, 5-30 cm tall, leafy, branched, usually clustered. Plains-foothills.
Flowers white, 6-8 mm wide, with 5 pointed sepals, in dense clusters.
Leaves alternate, almost stalkless, elliptic, 5-40 mm long and 1-10 mm broad.
Heuchera cylindrica – Round-leaved Alumroot Glandular herb, 15-50 cm tall. Shaded, rocky sites, higher elevations.
Flowers creamy-white, bell-shaped. Calyx 6-8 mm long, longer than petals.
Leaves basal, heart- to egg-shaped, 5-7-lobed, 2-5 cm long, long-stalked.
Lithophragma parviflorum – Small-flowered Woodland Star Glandular-hairy, 10-30 cm tall. Dry, rocky sites, foothills to montane.
Flowers 12-15 mm wide, 3-11 in top clusters. Calyx tapered, 4-6 mm long.
Basal leaves 1-3 cm long, hairy, 5-lobed, long-stalked. Stem leaves smaller.
Parnassia fimbriata – Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus Has 1 clasping leaf near mid-stem, 10-30 cm tall. Wet sites in mountains.
Flowers white, about 20 mm wide. Petals 5-7-veined, with hair-like fringes.
Leaves basal, broadly heart- to kidney-shaped, glossy, stalked.
Saxifraga bronchialis – Spotted Saxifrage Alpine, mat-forming, 5-15 cm tall. Dry, open rocky sites.
Flowers white, 10-15 mm wide, in open clusters. Petals spotted purple/yellow.
Leaves basal and alternate, rigid, 5-15 mm long, lance-shaped, spine-tipped.
Saxifraga odontoloma – Brook Saxifrage Stem reddish-glandular, 20-60 cm tall. Wet meadows, springs, high elevations.
Flowers white, on wide branches. Petals round, with 2 yellow dots. Stamens flat.
Leaves basal, up to 6 cm wide, smooth, kidney-shaped, with 15-30 teeth.
Saxifraga rhomboidea – Diamond-leaved Saxifrage Glandular stem, 10-20 cm tall. Moist, open slopes, foothills to alpine.
Flowers white, short-stalked, many in dense, ball-like heads.
Leaves basal, thick, diamond-shaped, short-stalked, with round-toothed edges.
Collinsia parviflora – Blue-eyed Mary Stems slender, weak, 5-30 cm tall. Sparsely vegetated areas, foothills-montane.
Flowers pale-blue to white and blue, 4-10 mm long. Lobes in 2 pairs.
Leaves opposite, 1-4 cm long, narrowly egg-shaped to linear, short-hairy.
Pedicularis bracteosa – Bracted Lousewort Plant 20-60 cm tall. Moist, open or wooded sites, montane to alpine.
Flowers pale yellow, tinged with purple. Numerous in tall spikes. Beakless.
Leaves alternate, fern-like, 6-30 cm long.
Pedicularis contorta – Coiled Lousewort Stems 15-50 cm tall. Dry, open and wooded sites, montane-alpine.
Flowers white, in loose clusters. Long, curved beak on upper lip. Calyx 5-lobed.
Leaves alternate, fern-like, deeply cut into narrow, toothed leaflets.
Penstemon deustus – Hotrock Penstemon Stems 20-60 cm tall, woody base. Grassy and rocky sites, plains-subalpine.
Flowers white or cream, 8-20 mm long, in dense clusters. Upper 2 lobes small.
Leaves oblanceolate, up to 6 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, toothed.
Solanum physalifolium – Hairy Nightshade Branching annual, 15-60 cm tall, spreading-sticky-hairy. Moist, disturbed areas.
Flowers white, star-shaped, 7-12 mm wide, with 5 pointed lobes.
Leaves alternate, hairy, ovate, shallowly blunt-toothed or entire.
Solanum triflorum – Cut-leaved Nightshade Low annual, spreading, 10-80 cm long, almost hairless. Disturbed ground.
Flowers white, star-shaped, 8-10 mm wide, with 5 pointed lobes.
Leaves alternate, often short-hairy, deeply pinnately cut into pointed lobes.
Valeriana acutiloba – Subalpine Valerian Perennial, stem 10-60 cm tall, finely short-hairy. Rocky areas in the mountains.
Flowers white, 4-7 mm long, tubular, with 5 spreading lobes, in dense clusters.
Basal leaves spatulate, stem leaves opposite, whole or pinnate with few leaflets.
Valeriana edulis – Edible Valerian Hairless perennial, 10-120 cm tall. Not too dry, open areas in the mountains.
Flowers white, 1-3.5 mm long, with 5 spreading lobes, in elongated clusters.
Basal leaves long, narrow. Stem leaves opposite, pinnate with narrow leaflets.
Valeriana sitchensis – Sitka Valerian Perennial, 30-70 cm tall. Moist sites, foothills to alpine.
Flowers white, 4-7 mm long, tubular, with 5 spreading lobes, in dense clusters.
Leaves opposite, pinnately divided into 3-5 egg-shaped, blunt-toothed leaflets.
Viola canadensis – Canada Violet Perennial, 10-40 cm tall, with leafy stems. In moist woodland and forests.
Flowers white to pinkish, with yellow in the middle, 2-3 cm wide.
Leaves basal and alternate, long-stalked, the blades heart-shaped, 4-8 cm long.