Anemone – Anemone
Anemone, or wind flowers, are perennial, herbaceous plants of genus Anemone, belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. The genus contains 120 to 150 species, most found in temperate and subarctic regions.
The usually single, goblet-shaped flower lacks petals but has 5-20 petal-like sepals. Colors range from white through purple to red, but are usually white. Anemones have a dry, one-seeded fruit called an achene, which is usually egg-shaped and silky-woolly. The fruits grow together from the middle of the flower, forming a round or elongated head. There are 20 North American Anemone species.
According to Greek mythology, anemones were the tears Venus wept when Mars got jealous and sent a wild boar to kill her lover, Adonis.
Guide to Identify Presented Species of Genus Anemone
A. parviflora – Northern Anemone
Alpine plant, 5-20 cm tall, sparsely hairy. Moist, open or shaded sites. Flowers solitary, 2-3 cm wide. Sepals 5, white, rounded. Leaves 2-3 cm wide, glossy, divided into 3 wedge-shaped, lobed leaflets.
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