Technical Notes

This site is set up for use with desktop or laptop computers as well as mobile devices. For screens at least 1000 pixels wide, the site uses frames, with a top frame for general navigation, and a left frame, from where all plant lists can be accessed.

For screens less than 1000 pixels wide, the site uses a top menu for all navigation. For screens less than 768 pixels wide, the top menu collapses to a button on the right top of the screen.

Size of your screen or current frame: pixels.

For the site to function, Javascript needs to be enabled in the browser, and it has been tested to work properly in Internet Explorer 11.0 and up, Mozilla Firefox 36.0 or higher, and in Google Chrome.

For larger screens, using the framed site, it's mainly the menu for the species lists in the left frame that require the newer browsers to work. The reason this menu was designed for touch/click rather than hover was to make it usable on touch devices, like tablets and smart phones, as well.

This menu for touch/click is referred to as "New Menu." For older browsers there is a link to the old hover menu as well (referred to as "Old Menu").

The large images are in Adobe Flash format, and should display by default by most modern browsers for desktops or laptops. Otherwise, Adobe Flash may need to be installed. Only some mobile browsers support Adobe Flash.

Feedback on how the site works on your particular device is welcome, or suggestions on how it can be improved, and can be sent on the Contact Us page.