Synonyms: Habenaria hyperborea Other names: green rein-orchid Nomenclature: hyperborea = extreme northern Nativity / Invasiveness: Montana native plant
No edibility data
No medicinal data
General: erect perennial, hairless, 20-100 cm tall, the stem leafy, from fleshy, tuber-like roots.
Leaves: alternate, several, mostly on the lower half of the stem, narrowly oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, 6-20 cm long and 1-3 cm broad, blunt to slenderly pointed.
Flowers: pale to deep greenish, often somewhat purplish-tinged, many in a tall, dense spike, 5-20 cm long, with bracts at bases. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, blunt-tipped, 3-nerved, the upper one broader, hooded, 4-7 mm long, the lower 4-7 mm long, spreading. Petals lanceolate, the upper ones bent inward, about equalling the upper sepal and touching it, forming a distinct hood. Lip 4-7 mm long, rather fleshy, usually thrust forward, the tip rounded. The spur cylindric to club-shaped, straight to slightly curved, from shorter to barely longer than the lip. Pollen sacs well separated.
Moist to boggy, usually shaded places, foothills to subalpine zone, in w., c. and n.e. parts of MT. Also from AK to CA, AZ, NM, NE, MN, IN, PA, and NY.
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